Nate Campbell
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Portfolio/about me
Throughout the years, I have developed several different 
types of skill sets.

When I was eleven I picked up video editing as a fun hobby that I never wanted to quit. It was the first spark of many in my own personal creative revolution. During high-school I attended several multimedia/graphic design classes. It was then I upgraded to FinalCutProit was love a first sight. 

Later at Illinois Sate University, I enrolled in the College of Visual Arts program where I expanded my artistic portfolio through a variety of new mediums. The diversity of my major allowed me to pick up more video editing techniques, animation, sound design, lighting, photography, typography, and effects. In some regard, you could say I am a one man show, [When needed - does play well with others :D ]. 
Done for Spring 2012 Intern Marketing
Video For Me 

I got into video editing because there is no message you won't be able to get across through video when using the right presentation, demeanor, and atmospheric tone. Representing a product can be just as easy as representing an idea or a story with the right direction and dedication. Bringing the viewer in is, as always, the ultimate goal of all graphic or video work. Whether it's drawing someone into a product, place, or even an idea, the same properly placed key elements can make all the difference in production value. Throughout my entire life I have felt inspired by creative cinematography and the dramatic effects of film brought to life as if you were experiencing it yourself. Whether it was a debatably funny or an incredibly dramatic, short-story-film about nothing I have always put both feet forward attempting to create and invoke the very most feeling and connectivity possible for the viewer at hand. Here is a compilation video to highlight some of those dramatic and light hearted moments captured by many different short films I have produced over the years. Some of the clips are much older than others and have been through various resizing and filters, but for these purposes have not lost their dramatic effect. You may laugh after you see it, but no I am not a violent person, but like anyone else I cant turn away from a dramatic thriller with a little bit of "badass-ery." Plus, after all, shooting action scenes can be some of the most exciting ways to explore new visual effects and jaw-dropping photography. Enjoy!
Above is a short commercial I produced for the 2012 spring Marketing Interns at Illinois State University. 
I shot and produced the entire thing myself, with a little help from the interns and their valiant acting. The purpose of the video was to be used as a marketing tool to attract and involve customers into making their own SuperBowl videos for a promotional nationwide event. The short mock commercial was an example of what participants could do among many other ideas for their own videos. The video was a huge success and received great reviews from Illinois State's Campusfood representatives. 

Among Video, I have also done some graphic design work Professionally along with design work in general. Including: logos, pagecovers, letterheads, advertisements, informational brochures, posters, pamphlets, post cards, personalized photography, 

Check out my some more Designs and Professional Examples of my late work. 

Interested in a Photographer?
 check out the Gallary, or my photography website.